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Decimal Floating-Point Arithmetic IP Cores Family

An average computer user speeds up the applications by over twenty times and slashes the energy use to less than 5% if decimal hardware units are employed. Interest in decimal arithmetic increased considerably in recent years. This IP family presents new designs for decimal floating point (DFP) addition, multiplication, fused multiply-add, division, and square root. It stresses the importance of energy savings achieved by hardware implementations of the IEEE 754-2008 standard for decimal floating point.

SilMinds is the first company worldwide to discuss energy savings in DFP and the first to present a hardware implementation of a fused multiply-add. Our Newton-Raphson based divider is over three times faster than the similar design previously reported.

A small presentation for the decimal technology may be downloaded from here

 DFPA Family Cores

  • DecAdd64 – Decimal Adder Unit supporting decimal64 format
  • DecAdd128 – Decimal Adder Unit supporting decimal128 format
  • DecMult64 – Decimal Multiplier Unit supporting decimal64 format
  • DecMult128 – Decimal Multiplier Unit supporting decimal128 format
  • DecFMA64 – Decimal Fused Multiplier Adder Unit supporting decimal64 format
  • DecFMA128 – Decimal Fused Multiplier Adder Unit supporting decimal128 format
  • DecDiv64 – Decimal Divider Unit supporting decimal64 format
  • DecDiv128 – Decimal Divider Unit supporting decimal128 format
  • DecSqrt64 – Decimal Square rooter Unit supporting decimal64 format
  • DecSqrt128 – Decimal Square rooter Unit supporting decimal128 format

Key Features

  • Full IEEE-754-2008 compliance. Decimal64 (16 digits) and decimal128 (34 digits) formats support.
  • Decimal Interchange format encoding with Densely Packed Decimal (DPD) coding support.
  • Combinational or pipelined versions are available.
  • 7 rounding modes support.
  • Tested with over 200,000 test cases compliant with IEEE-754-2008 format.
  • Full accuracy and precision support.
  • Fully synthesizable with no internal tri-states.

IP Deliverables

The IP deliverables are highly dependent on the type of licensing agreement and the business model. Depending on the negotiated business model, the following deliverables might be included.

  • Source code:
  •     VHDL Source Code or/and
  •     VERILOG Source Code or/and
  •     Encrypted, or plain text EDIF netlist
  • VHDL/VERILOG test bench environment.
  • Full test suites compliant with IEEE 754-2008 standard.
  • Technical documentation
  • HDL core specification.
  • Datasheets.
  • Synthesis scripts.
  • Technical support.
  • IP Core deployment support


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